Why Leaves Should Be Your Next Wrap

Discover the joy of wrapping your meals in leaves – collard greens, grape leaves, banana leaves & more. It's delicious, healthy, and creative. Add the power of sprouts for a flavor and nutrient boost. Embrace the green and ditch the processed! 🌱

Why Leaves Should Be Your Next Wrap
A vibrant collard green wrap bursting with colorful fillings and a tangle of fresh sprouts.

Let's be honest, the world of food trends can be a swirling mess. Unicorn lattes? Activated charcoal everything? Occasionally, a little back-to-basics action is needed – a return to the culinary roots that have sustained humanity for centuries.

That's where the humble leaf comes in. Sure, lettuce has always been the salad queen, and who doesn't love a bit of spinach in their pasta? But leaves have the power to become so much more than supporting players. It's time to wrap your mind—and your next meal—in a fresh green embrace.