Why AI Should Be Our Partner, Not Our Overlord

AI excels at data analysis but shouldn't replace human decision-making. Developed by private companies, AI risks bias and job displacement. We should use AI as a tool, prioritizing ethics, transparency, and human control.

Why AI Should Be Our Partner, Not Our Overlord
Data overload? AI can help us make sense of the information flood.

Artificial intelligence systems (AIS) should not replace human cognition and must be supervised by people and subordinated to them, considered the academic and former director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFyL), of the UNAM, Jorge Enrique Linares. Salgado.

In this area, individuals must always act and decide, he added at the ICT Seminar, organized by the General Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies, where the topic The challenges of ethics in artificial intelligence was addressed.