Who Says Light Beer Has to Taste Like Water?

Don't settle for boring beer all summer! Explore these light but flavorful styles and consider how they elevate your food pairings.

Who Says Light Beer Has to Taste Like Water?
A frosty glass of Pilsner Urquell on a sunny patio table.

We get it. The sun's high, the humidity's a force to be reckoned with, and nothing sounds more glorious than a frosty beverage. Your heart wants an ice-cold beer, but after a decade of craft beer exploration, the thought of those watery domestic lagers fills you with despair. Hold on, passionate beer drinker, there's light at the end of the tunnel! Let's shatter some misconceptions about light beer and help you reclaim those long summer days.

Sure, the mass-marketed, corn- and rice-heavy brews lining supermarket shelves wouldn't win any flavor awards. But the world of light beer is bigger than that! It's like thinking all music is elevator jazz just because that's what plays in the grocery store. Time to broaden those horizons. Here's the key: look beyond the big brand behemoths. Smaller breweries are playing with light beer styles, bringing you bright, refreshing options packed with personality. We're talking: