How to Win The Great American Food Waste-Off

America's food waste is out of control! We trash 40% of our food, costing billions and harming the planet. Time to rethink our fridges.

How to Win The Great American Food Waste-Off
Is your trashcan overflowing? America's food waste problem is out of control.

If your trashcan could write its memoirs, it would pen a tale of extravagance most of us would rather ignore – a story starring half-eaten sandwiches, wilted lettuce, and mountains of perfectly edible food. Sadly, this landfill saga is our reality. In the United States, 40% of all the delicious food we produce goes straight into the garbage. Ouch.

Let's talk dollars and cents (because that always gets our attention, doesn't it?). Wasting this much food costs Americans a casual $1.5 billion to dispose of. That's the equivalent of a fancy latte for every man, woman, and child in the country… except this one comes as a bitter, rotting sludge. Our supermarkets are a feast for the eyes, but all that gorgeous produce and those tempting pre-made meals come with a price paid at the landfill.