How to Spice Up Your Dishes with Edible Flowers

Edible flowers are back! From Roman feasts to modern cuisine, these beauties add flavor and flair. Learn safe choices, simple uses, and unleash your inner floral foodie.

How to Spice Up Your Dishes with Edible Flowers
A vibrant nasturtium flower with peppery flavor adds a pop of color to a simple green salad.

Remember when your mom told you not to play with your food? Well, forget that! It's time to break the rules and turn your garden into a gourmet playground. Edible flowers are totally a thing again, and your tastebuds are about to have a party.

Get this – eating flowers isn't some new-age fad. The Romans were into it, Queen Victoria nibbled petals like they were bonbons, and across the globe, cultures like the Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian have been using flowers in cuisine for centuries. It's a comeback story worthy of a bouquet.