Shaping Super Kids, One Emotion at a Time

Inclusive futures start with nurturing emotional autonomy in children. Academic Maria Santos Becerril Perez emphasizes the importance of emotional competencies, authenticity, and positivity in shaping resilient and empathetic individuals from an early age.

Shaping Super Kids, One Emotion at a Time
Children learning to identify and manage their emotions – the first step towards an inclusive future. Image by thank you for 💙 from Pixabay

In a world as diverse as ours, fostering empathy from an early age is not just a virtue but a necessity. The age-old adage of 'walking in someone else's shoes' takes on new meaning in the realm of child psychology. And Maria Santos Becerril Perez, an academic from the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM, stands as a beacon of wisdom on the subject. In a recent presentation at the “UNAMirada desde la Psicología” conference, she shared insights into how promoting emotional autonomy in children paves the way for a more inclusive society.

In Becerril Perez's eyes, emotional competencies are the key to building emotional autonomy. These competencies are a unique set of skills and attitudes that allow an individual to understand, decipher, manage, and co-regulate their emotions with others. In essence, it's the emotional Swiss Army knife that equips us for life's rollercoaster.