Your Guide to Perfect Charred and Sweet Roasted Peppers

Roasted peppers are easy to make and add incredible flavor to your meals! Their sweetness, texture, and vibrant color make them a versatile kitchen staple.

Your Guide to Perfect Charred and Sweet Roasted Peppers
A pile of vibrantly colored roasted peppers, their skins blistered and slightly charred, ready for culinary adventures.

We all know that one person. The one perpetually bemoaning the tedium of healthy eating, the flavorless tyranny of steamed broccoli and wilted salads. They're not wrong; sometimes “good for you” food falls victim to its own wholesome intentions.

But somewhere along the road, a culinary angel descended and revealed a secret to humanity: roasted peppers. Peppers, once the crunchy green things your mom snuck into stir-fry, possess a hidden talent for glorious, flame-kissed transformation.