Trains, Tickets, and Takedowns: Playa del Carmen's Latest

AMLO celebrates the Maya Train's launch in Playa del Carmen, calling it a world-class project. Ticket prices for the route are announced, offering affordable travel. Authorities shut down unlicensed bars in a downtown raid. Playa combats gender violence.

Trains, Tickets, and Takedowns: Playa del Carmen's Latest
A sleek, modern train with the Maya Train logo pulls into a brightly lit Playa del Carmen station. Credit: Tren Maya

The President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is feeling himself (and the new Mayan Train) in a major way. After launching the Cancún to Playa del Carmen section of this sleek new beast, AMLO channeled his inner Chiapas cowboy with a classic saying: “I feel like a gallant.” Translation for the uninitiated: he's basically strutting around like John Wayne after a tequila or two.

Speaking of tequila, the president's in full bragging mode. “I'm throwing oil,” he declares – and no, that's not some new-fangled Mayan Train refueling method. It means he's boasting like there's no tomorrow. Why? Well, AMLO insists this isn't some small-town project. “They are not chipilín tamales or suckling pig cakes,” he says, basically calling this the biggest, baddest train project the world has ever seen. Electrified double tracks? Check. Fancy stations? Check. A commute time that'll make those poor souls stuck in highway traffic weep? You betcha.