The Bill That Gives Merchants the Power to Process Cards on Different Networks

U.S. lawmakers plan to reintroduce a bill empowering merchants to process Visa and Mastercard cards across networks. Mercedes-Benz strikes a green deal, Microsoft settles privacy charges, and BNPL options skyrocket.

The Bill That Gives Merchants the Power to Process Cards on Different Networks
Lawmakers gear up to reintroduce a bill empowering merchants to process Visa and Mastercard across networks, shaking up the payment landscape. Image by Megan Rexazin from Pixabay

Hold onto your credit cards, folks, because U.S. lawmakers are gearing up for another round of legislative excitement! That's right, buckle up for the reintroduction of a bill that will empower merchants to process Visa and Mastercard credit cards across various networks. It's like having a magician's wand, but for merchants. Expect this bill to hit the stage as early as this week, with Senators Peter Welch and J.D. Vance joining the sponsorship party.

Now, don't go thinking this is all déjà vu. Sure, a similar bill made its grand entrance last summer, waltzing into the Senate Banking Committee. But alas, it never got the chance to shine in the spotlight of a vote. Will the tides turn this time? Only time will tell, my friends. Stay tuned for more gripping updates on this legislative rollercoaster.