A special selection of 12 very Mexican recipes
In Mexican cuisine, there are many typical dishes and sweets to enjoy at any time of the day. These are 12 recipes of different kinds of great Mexican meals.
In Mexican cuisine, there are many typical dishes and sweets to enjoy at any time of the day. These are 12 recipes of different kinds of great Mexican meals.
Mexican Chamber of Deputies approves constitutional reform on strategic areas and companies, amending energy transition policies. Key changes include removing state's sole responsibility for energy transition.
The Chamber of Deputies in Mexico approved a reform to strengthen state control over energy sectors. The legislation reclassifies state-owned companies, grants the state exclusive control over strategic sectors and prioritizes the energy transition.
Mexico is sending a strong team of 19 surfers to compete in the Pan American Surfing Games in Peru. The games will feature various disciplines, including shortboard, longboard, SUP, and bodyboard.
Federal forces traveled to Sinaloa to address cartel violence. The meeting with Governor Rocha Moya resulted in plans to increase the National Guard's presence. Authorities aim to reduce violence and restore peace in the region, which has been plagued by conflict.