Services Rise as Latin America's Trade Mavericks

Latin America's goods take a backseat as services grow 5%, defying global trends. The REDLAS Conference becomes the Avengers HQ, brewing policies for a sustainable revolution. Brace for a services' saga.

Services Rise as Latin America's Trade Mavericks
Academia, policymakers, and innovators gather at the REDLAS Conference to plot the services' revolution in Latin America.

In a world where goods have long been the reigning kings of international trade, Latin America is staging a rebellion. While the volume of global trade in goods staged a reluctant retreat by 1.6 percent between 2022 and 2023, services, the unexpected rebels, defied the odds and grew by a whopping five percent. Hold on to your economic textbooks; the plot thickens.

Hugo Eduardo Beteta, the maestro orchestrating this symphony of shifting economic tides, revealed at the REDLAS Conference that the region is about to embark on a peculiar journey. Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride through the digital realms of finance, technology, healthcare, and education – the modern services, the Avengers of Latin America's economic revival.