How Latin America's Services Stole the Spotlight from Goods

Latin America and the Caribbean witness a trade revolution: goods dip 2%, but services surge 12% in 2023. The REDLAS conference explores the transformative power of modern services, driving economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development in the region.

How Latin America's Services Stole the Spotlight from Goods
Modern services, from finance to technology, emerge as economic engines in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In a dynamic shift between 2022 and 2023, the global trade landscape witnessed a fascinating transformation. While the volume of world trade in goods experienced a modest decline of 1.6 percent, the trade in services soared, marking a significant 5 percent growth.

These trends are particularly pronounced in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the value of goods exports is anticipated to decrease by 2 percent. Services are poised for a remarkable 12 percent upswing, according to estimates by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)).