A Guide to Properly Using National Symbols in Mexico

An overview of the laws regulating the use of the national symbols, including the national coat of arms, flag, and anthem in Mexico. It covers important details such as who oversees compliance, when the flag should be honored, and guidelines for using the symbols correctly.

A Guide to Properly Using National Symbols in Mexico
Learn about the proper use of Mexico's national symbols. Credit: Segob

The use of national symbols such as the coat of arms, flag, and the anthem is regulated by law in many countries. The Ministry of the Interior, along with other authorities, is responsible for overseeing compliance with this law and ensuring that these symbols are used appropriately. The Civic Promotion Office can offer guidance on how to properly use these symbols.

There are specific regulations for the use of each symbol, including the flag and the national anthem. For example, the national flag should be honored at official events, saluted in a certain way, and replaced when it gets too worn. The national anthem should only be performed at serious and respectful events. This text provides detailed information on the use of these national symbols by the law.

Is there any law that regulates the use of national symbols?

Yes, the law on the national coat of arms, flag, and anthem

Which public agency is in charge of overseeing compliance with the law on the national coat of arms, flag, and anthem?

The Ministry of the Interior is in charge of overseeing compliance with this law; in this function, it is assisted by all the country's authorities. It is the responsibility of the educational authorities to oversee compliance with this law in educational institutions. The Civic Promotion Office can guide you on how to use the national symbols correctly.

Mexican National Coat of Arms

Can the national coat of arms be modified?

No, the coat of arms can't be changed in any way. Article 2 of the Law on the National Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem says that it must be true to the characteristics listed there.

Can individuals use the national coat of arms?

No. The National Coat of Arms may only appear on vehicles used by the President of the Republic and on official documents of federal and state government agencies, as well as municipalities. It is forbidden to use it on private records.

Mexican National Flag

When should we honor the flag?

Whenever the national flag is present in civic festivities or official ceremonies,

How is the national flag honored?

The honors must consist, at least, in the simultaneous civil salute of all the persons present, and in addition, Mexican National Anthem must be interpreted. Honors should always be given to the flag before they are given to individuals.

How should the national flag be saluted?

Civilians should salute in the following manner: standing at attention, placing the right hand extended on the chest, palm down, and at the level of the heart. Men should have their heads uncovered.

When is the flag hoisted at half-mast?

On the dates designated as solemn for the entire nation, mourning is observed, either to commemorate the death of a national hero or to heroic deeds in which Mexicans offered their lives for the homeland. Article 18, Section II, of the Law on the National Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem says these dates.

When is the flag hoisted at the full mast?

In Article 18, Section I, of the Law on the National Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem, the dates that are special and festive for the whole country are set.

What is a flag ceremony?

It's a public ceremony where the national flag is given to public and private institutions that are legally set up. The goal is to show respect and appreciation for the Mexican national symbol.

Who can I turn to for guidance on the protocol and logistics for a flag ceremony or cremation?

The Department of Civic Promotion in the Ministry of the Interior can give you advice and help.

What should be done when a national flag has too much deterioration from the passage of time? Can it be discarded?

No, the flags that are in such a deteriorated state that it is necessary to replace them should be incinerated in a respectful and solemn act.

Can I use the flag on my home, office, business, commercial establishment, or automobile?

Yes, according to the Law on the National Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem, no authorization is required to use the National Flag on the façade of real estate, homes, offices, vehicles, commercial establishments, or companies. In these cases, the flag may be of any size. However, the flag must be treated neatly and decorously, and the design and proportionality characteristics must be respected.

Can I inscribe the name of my institution or group on the national flag?

Yes, the law says that private institutions and civil society organizations can put their names or corporate names on the national flag with permission from the Ministry of the Interior. This is allowed as long as it helps people worship the national flag, doesn't get in the way of the national coat of arms, and fits the flag's design and size.

Authorities and public institutions can put this kind of writing on the flag without getting permission, as long as it doesn't cover up the national coat of arms and stays true to the flag's design and proportions.

How do I ask permission to put the name of my school, organization, or group on the national flag?

By sending a simple letter to the General Directorate of Democratic Culture and Civic Promotion of the Ministry of the Interior with the legend to be written on the national flag, the institution or group it represents, and the purpose of the inscription.

Can the national flags of other countries be present at a civic ceremony?

Only flags from countries with which Mexico has diplomatic ties may be flown at official international events. When there are international sports, cultural, or other events, the flags of countries that Mexico does not have diplomatic relations with may also be there. In both cases, the national insignia is always placed first, before any other flags.

Mexican National Anthem

When should the national anthem be performed?

The National Anthem is only sung in full or in part at the official, civic, cultural, school, or sports events that are meant to be serious and to honor the National Flag.

What is the official version of the national anthem?

The singing, performance, reproduction, and circulation of the National Anthem must adhere to the lyrics and music established in Articles 57 and 58 of the Law on the National Coat of Arms, Flag, and Anthem. Indigenous people and communities can sing the national anthem in their native language.

How should the national anthem be interpreted?

Men should respectfully cover their heads, which means they should stand at attention as a sign of respect.

How should the national anthem be played to show respect for the flag?

The part of the song that includes the chorus, the first stanza, and the chorus again should be performed.

Can the lyrics or music of the national anthem be altered?

No, it is against the law to change the words or music of the national anthem or use it in whole or in part in arrangements or compositions.

Under what circumstances is it forbidden to sing the national anthem?

Yes, when songs are written or arranged in a way that is different from the official version or when they are played for money (as part of a commercial or something similar).

Can the anthems of other nations be interpreted on the national territory?

Yes, as long as permission has been given by the Ministry of the Interior and the diplomatic representative of the country whose anthem will be played.

How do I request authorization to interpret or perform the anthem of another country?

Use a simple letter addressed to the General Directorate of Democratic Culture and Civic Promotion of the Ministry of the Interior, specifying the anthem to be performed, the event or ceremony, and/or the purpose for which the foreign anthem is to be performed. Attach the authorization from the relevant diplomatic representation, or say that it has been or will be asked for if it is not available.

Is it possible to copy or publish the National Anthem's lyrics and/or music scores?

Yes, but such editions or reproductions must be authorized by the Ministries of the Interior and Culture, respectively. Authorization from the Ministry of the Interior can be obtained, specifying the purpose for which the lyrics and/or sheet music of the National Anthem is to be reproduced or published. A sample (or samples) of the publication must be attached. Once the authorization of the government has been obtained, it is necessary to request the authorization of the Ministry of Culture.

Can the lyrics of the national anthem be changed or translated into indigenous languages?

Yes; however, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Culture must previously authorize the translation. Indigenous people and communities can ask the National Institute of Indigenous Languages for help translating the National Anthem, or they can directly permit their translations.

How do I ask for permission to translate or change the lyrics of the national anthem into an indigenous language?

The application must be made to the Ministry of the Interior, specifying the indigenous language into which the anthem is to be translated. A sample of the translation must be attached, which the Directorate of Civic Promotion will send to the National Institute of Indigenous Languages (INALI), where its relevance will be analyzed. At the same time, authorization must be requested from the Ministry of Culture. Based on INALI's analysis, both agencies will issue the decision they deem appropriate and will inform the interested party.

Is it necessary to get permission to put on theater, film, radio or TV shows about the National Anthem or its creators or that use parts of it as a theme?

Yes, authorization must be requested from the Ministries of the Interior and Culture, according to their respective competencies. You can get permission from the Ministry of the Interior by sending a complimentary letter to the Directorate of Civic Promotion. The letter should explain the purpose of the material and include a sample or two.


Full Citation: Gobernación, Secretaría de. “Uso Adecuado De Los Símbolos Patrios.” gob.mx, 24 Feb. 2020, www.gob.mx/segob/es/articulos/uso-adecuado-de-los-simbolos-patrios?idiom=es.