President López Obrador Gets His Own 3D-Printed Doppelganger

AMLO pledges accessible healthcare and homegrown Patria vaccine. IMSS progress with a dose of bureaucracy. Respiratory roulette: flu, COVID and mystery second shooter in Colosio case. AMLO shows off the presidential doll and offers Tila tea for political tensions.

President López Obrador Gets His Own 3D-Printed Doppelganger
AMLO unveils a 3D-printed doll of himself, gifted by a migrant artisan. “Is the transformation going to continue?” he asks, jokingly moving the doll's head. Credit: Andrés Manuel López Obrador

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) kicked off his morning conference with a bang today, dishing out pronouncements on Patria vaccines, healthcare rights, and a potential second shooter in the 1994 assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. Oh, and did we mention the three-dimensional AMLO doll crafted by a migrant artisan?

Universal Healthcare on the Menu: AMLO kicks things off with a bold promise: a top-notch public health system for all. “Health is not a privilege,” he declares, his voice booming through the microphones, “it's a right!” Free medical care, surgical interventions – the whole shebang, served up on a platter of social justice.