Expired Meds: The Toxic Time Bombs Lurking in Your Cabinets

Improper disposal of expired medications pollutes the environment and fuels the piracy industry. Check expiration dates and visual cues, as expired meds can cause harm. Responsible disposal safeguards our environment and health.

Expired Meds: The Toxic Time Bombs Lurking in Your Cabinets
Barbara Alejandra Lerate Rosales advocates for responsible medication disposal to protect the environment. Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

In our quest for wellness, we often forget the environmental consequences of disposing of expired drugs improperly or carelessly. The disposal of these medications in the trash or down the toilet has far-reaching implications. It pollutes our environment and feeds the dangerous piracy industry, posing grave health risks to unsuspecting individuals. Barbara Alejandra Lerate Rosales, an academic from the Faculty of Chemistry at UNAM, emphasizes the importance of generating a recycling culture to tackle this issue.

One of the core problems lies in the prevalence of self-medication and incomplete treatment regimens at home. Many households tend to retain expired or unused medications, exposing them to the detrimental effects of light, humidity, and heat. These factors can alter the composition and efficacy of drugs, making them potentially harmful rather than beneficial.