Get Crafty with These Bite-Banishing Bug Repellent DIYs

Ditch DEET! Natural bug repellents like lemon eucalyptus oil, soybean concoctions and citronella spritz keep summer bites at bay, even in tick-infested woods or Zika zones. Choose your armor wisely and embrace the buzz-free outdoors with a dash of DIY.

Get Crafty with These Bite-Banishing Bug Repellent DIYs
Mosquitoes making you want to bat outta here? Ditch the chemicals and embrace natural repellents like lemon eucalyptus oil and soybean magic.

Summer. The season of sunshine, barbecues, and…buggy nightmares. No sooner do we peel off our winter layers than pesky mosquitoes, like unwelcome dinner guests, swarm our picnics and serenade us with their itchy lullabies. And let's not forget the creepy crawlies of the tick-and-mosquito variety, carrying diseases with names that sound like rejected Scrabble words (Dengue? Zika? West Nile? Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Pass the brain bleach, please!).

We face a dilemma. Slathering ourselves and our offspring in DEET might feel like spraying ourselves with Raid, and frankly, who wants to smell like a can of pesticide all summer? But letting the bug buffet commence isn't exactly appealing either. Fear not, fellow nature lovers, for there's a middle ground: natural bug repellents that pack a punch without the chemical nasties.

Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus:

This herbal hero is like Kryptonite to mosquitoes, with research showing it's as effective as DEET at sending those bloodsuckers packing. Bonus points: it's also shown promise against ticks, those Lyme-disease-laden landmines. Just remember, this potent potion is off-limits for little ones under 3, and always apply it like a responsible adult – no spraying directly on faces, please!

Soybean Oil Surprise:

Forget garlic necklaces and wooden stakes, this unassuming bean oil is a bug-repelling beast. A commercially available product with a 2% soybean oil base packs a punch against mosquitoes and other creepy crawlies, thanks to its blend of glycerin, lecithin, vanillin, and coconut and geranium oils. It's like a veggie burger for bugs, only they're the ones getting devoured (metaphorically, of course).


Citronella might be the bug world's equivalent of a one-hit wonder. It's as effective as DEET, but only for a fleeting moment before its mosquito-repelling magic evaporates like a spilled mojito. So, if you're planning a marathon bug-free session, citronella might not be your BFF. But if you just need a quick spritz to deter patio pests during happy hour, this citrusy charmer might be just the ticket (with a bonus of smelling like a fancy spa, not a can of Raid).

Close-up of a DIY essential oil spray bottle with citronella and lavender, with a bat flying in the background.
Citronella serenade? Not tonight! DIY sprays and bat buddies are the new pest patrol. Embrace the bug-free summer.

Bug Repellent is Like Armor

Think of bug repellent as your summer suit of armor. If you're venturing into the tick-infested wilderness, grab a potent potion like oil of lemon eucalyptus. Headed to Zika-land? Weigh the DEET dilemma carefully. And if you're just chilling in your backyard, a natural soybean oil concoction or a quick citronella spritz might be your best bet.

This summer, ditch the chemical warfare and embrace the world of natural bug repellents. With a little knowledge and a dash of DIY spirit, you can keep those pesky pests at bay and enjoy the great outdoors, bite-free. Just remember, the most important ingredient is a sense of humor – because let's face it, getting buzzed by a mosquito is never not hilarious (unless it's carrying West Nile, then maybe not so much).

Bonus Hacks:

  • Plant a garlic and basil barrier: These pungent plants are natural mosquito repellents, so surround your patio with them for an aromatic (and bug-free) oasis.
  • DIY essential oil diffuser: Mix a few drops of citronella, lavender, or peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and mist yourself for a natural, fragrant shield.
  • Befriend the bats: These nocturnal bug-eaters are like nature's flying SWAT team, so consider attracting them to your yard with a bat house. Just remember, they're not vampires (despite what Twilight might tell you), so offer them bug buffets, not blood bags.
  • Feeling adventurous? Craft your own insect-repellent concoction using herbs like lavender, peppermint, or catnip. Just be sure to research the safety and effectiveness of each ingredient before unleashing your homemade bug bomb. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, even when it comes to repelling creepy crawlies.

With a little creativity and these tips, you can have a bug-free summer that's good for you, good for the planet, and good for your sense of humor. Now go forth and conquer, you natural-repellent-wielding warriors.