Get Crafty with These Bite-Banishing Bug Repellent DIYs

Ditch DEET! Natural bug repellents like lemon eucalyptus oil, soybean concoctions and citronella spritz keep summer bites at bay, even in tick-infested woods or Zika zones. Choose your armor wisely and embrace the buzz-free outdoors with a dash of DIY.

Get Crafty with These Bite-Banishing Bug Repellent DIYs
Mosquitoes making you want to bat outta here? Ditch the chemicals and embrace natural repellents like lemon eucalyptus oil and soybean magic.

Summer. The season of sunshine, barbecues, and…buggy nightmares. No sooner do we peel off our winter layers than pesky mosquitoes, like unwelcome dinner guests, swarm our picnics and serenade us with their itchy lullabies. And let's not forget the creepy crawlies of the tick-and-mosquito variety, carrying diseases with names that sound like rejected Scrabble words (Dengue? Zika? West Nile? Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Pass the brain bleach, please!).

We face a dilemma. Slathering ourselves and our offspring in DEET might feel like spraying ourselves with Raid, and frankly, who wants to smell like a can of pesticide all summer? But letting the bug buffet commence isn't exactly appealing either. Fear not, fellow nature lovers, for there's a middle ground: natural bug repellents that pack a punch without the chemical nasties.