What's Cooking in Mexico's 2024 Financial Pot?

Mexico's 2024 Economic Package reveals growth projections, revenue shifts, and spending priorities. With economic stability on the line, lawmakers face critical decisions that will shape the nation's financial future. Stay tuned for in-depth analysis.

What's Cooking in Mexico's 2024 Financial Pot?
Key projects like the Mayan Train receive budget allocations in Mexico's 2024 Economic Package, sparking development discussions.

The unveiling of Mexico's 2024 Economic Package by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) heralds the end of the current administration's financial management. With public finances under the microscope, the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) delves into the critical components of this economic blueprint, shedding light on the nation's economic trajectory and fiscal strategies.

General Economic Policy Criteria 2024

The General Economic Policy Criteria (CGPE) for 2024 lays out the foundation for Mexico's fiscal strategies. Here are the key takeaways: