Mexican Study Shows Success of Natural Protected Areas

A Mexican study shows 90% of Natural Protected Areas effectively curb deforestation, a major win for biodiversity conservation. These areas are vital for safeguarding Mexico's rich plant and animal life.

Mexican Study Shows Success of Natural Protected Areas
Mexico's biodiversity abundance. Natural Protected Areas bursting with plants and animals.

A recent study by the esteemed Dr. Víctor Sánchez Cordero of UNAM's Institute of Biology is giving biodiversity a big ol' fiesta. It turns out, Mexico's Natural Protected Areas (NPAs) are rockin' the deforestation prevention scene, with a staggering 90% proving mightily effective.

Now, before you skip to booking your eco-vacation, let's unpack this a bit. Dr. Cordero, a champion of conservation with a flamboyant vocabulary to match, reminds us that Mexico boasts a treasure chest of biodiversity. We're talking top five on the global leaderboard for vertebrate species, vascular plants, and those super special endemics (species that call Mexico home and nowhere else).