How Mexico's Peripheral Clinics Serve the Community

Mexico's Peripheral Clinics (CP) offer low-cost dental care with a focus on social good. Students gain real-world experience treating diverse patients, from children to older adults.

How Mexico's Peripheral Clinics Serve the Community
A student dentist carefully examines a smiling patient's teeth under the supervision of a specialist.

Imagine a dental clinic unlike any other. Not your sterile, white-walled haven of gleaming instruments and hushed tones. This clinic is alive with the energy of eager students, the warmth of genuine care, and the quiet hum of community. This is the world of the Peripheral Clinics (CP) of the Faculty of Dentistry (FO) of the UNAM in Mexico City.

These nine dental clinics are located in busy areas and offer more than just dental care. They are gateways to opportunity, where students hone their skills while serving those who need it most. Here, affordability meets excellence, and compassion takes center stage.