How Big Food Conquered Your Kitchen (and Your Gut)

Big Food's tentacles have choked out fresh markets and replaced them with convenience stores peddling addictive, ultra-processed junk. This isn't just a health crisis, it's a cultural takeover. Let's reclaim our kitchens & cook up a revolution.

How Big Food Conquered Your Kitchen (and Your Gut)
Neon jungle or nutritional wasteland? Big Food's shelves overflow, but fresh choices wither.

Remember that moment in “The Matrix” where Neo realizes everything is made of code? Well, step into the red pill kitchen because the real simulation is happening on your supermarket shelves. We're not talking about aliens or robots, though – it's the stealthy takeover by Big Food, the corporate ninjas who've turned your grocery list into a kung fu flick.

Their weapon? Ultra-processed junk, those pre-packaged, sugar-coated, fat-laden imposters that masquerading as food. And their strategy? A masterclass in convenience-fu, blanketing the landscape with convenience stores and fast-food joints while public markets dwindle like wilted lettuce.