Foods that protect against prostate cancer

There is scientific evidence that certain foods may have protective effects against the condition of prostate cancer. Get to know more about them.

Foods that protect against prostate cancer
Research shows that pomegranate extract can slow the metastasis of prostate cancer cells. Photo by Eugenia Maximova / Unsplash

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in men worldwide. It is estimated that each year it causes seven thousand deaths in Mexico. Unfortunately, it is identified in very advanced stages, as there is a resistance in men to monitor their prostate health regularly.

The prostate is an organ of the male reproductive system that is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum and has the function of producing seminal fluid. It is natural that, over the years, it tends to enlarge, which does not necessarily mean the appearance of cancer. However, if you have symptoms such as pain or bleeding when urinating or ejaculating, as well as pain in the back, pelvis, or hips, it is best to see a urologist.

Recently, the promotion of various foods and supplements that are advertised as beneficial for the health of this organ or to reduce the symptoms associated with its conditions has become more frequent. This is because there is scientific evidence that certain foods may have protective effects against this condition.


Some studies show that pomegranate extract can slow the metastasis of prostate cancer cells, due to its high content of polyphenols (mainly luteolin, ellagic acid, and punicic acid) which, acting together, can inhibit the growth and migration of prostate cancer cells.

Pumpkin seed oil

It is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that help improve some symptoms associated with prostatic inflammation, as well as helping to improve urinary excretion and protect the male urinary tract. It is regularly consumed in capsules, which often include zinc.


Some scientific findings have found a possible link between high lycopene intake and a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. This compound can be commonly found in the diet, especially in tomatoes or tomato products.

Green tea

Adopting a high intake of green tea infusion has been linked to a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Studies suggest that prostate cancer cells die when exposed to certain compounds present in green tea, called polyphenols. For example, research has shown that in mice with prostate cancer, green tea reduces tumor size and growth.

By PhD student Ana Rascón Platt. Source: CIAD