How Fingerprints from the Electoral Roll Brought Closure to Countless Families

The Electoral Roll's fingerprints have unlocked the identities of 6,961 unknown bodies and aided the search for 21,266 missing persons. The power of biometric data knows no bounds when it comes to solving mysteries and reuniting families.

How Fingerprints from the Electoral Roll Brought Closure to Countless Families
Biometric data from the Electoral Roll aids in the search for missing persons, offering hope for reunions and resolution. Image by ar130405 from Pixabay

In a surprising turn of events, the humble fingerprint has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying unknown bodies and aiding in the search for missing persons. The source of this breakthrough? None other than the Electoral Roll, the largest biometric database in the country. A recent report presented before the General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) revealed that from 2016 to May 31, a staggering 6,961 bodies that had remained nameless were successfully identified using fingerprints stored in the Electoral Roll.

But that's not all. The report also disclosed that the Electoral Roll has played a crucial role in providing biometric information to assist in the search for 21,266 missing individuals. These numbers highlight the significant impact that this database, primarily intended for electoral purposes, can have on matters of life and death.