Donovan Carrillo Skating for Personal Bests and Another Olympic Shot

Mexican skater Donovan Carrillo aims for a top finish at the World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal. His goal: improve on his season's best and pave the way towards the 2026 Winter Olympics.

Donovan Carrillo Skating for Personal Bests and Another Olympic Shot
Donovan Carrillo, a blur of focused energy, practices at the World Championships in Montreal. Credit: CONADE

Donovan Carrillo steps onto the gleaming ice of the Montreal arena, the blades of his skates hissing like excited whispers. This is his stage, the 2024 World Figure Skating Championships – a battle unlike any other, a whirlwind of sequined grace and steely athleticism. The air crackles with tension, but for the young Mexican skater, there's also a thrill in it, the familiar jolt of adrenaline that fuels his art as much as his legs do.

Donovan didn't always have rinks like this. No, his story began in the sweltering heat of Jalisco, Mexico. He learned to dance on the ice before he could even dream of wearing blades. His parents, both physical education teachers, saw in their son something special. A kinetic energy, an artist's yearning for expression, perhaps even a touch of stubborn whimsy that would become his trademark.