How Energy Balance Became the New “It” Word in Weight Loss

Are you tired of abandoning your New Year's weight loss resolutions? The secret key to unlocking that elusive goal may be simpler than you think: it's all about energy balance and caloric deficit. Forget the myth of the magical 30-minute walk; it's not just about moving more but eating smarter!

How Energy Balance Became the New “It” Word in Weight Loss
Graciela Caire Juvera, a leading researcher in nutrition, explains the game-changing concept of 'energy balance' that could transform your weight loss journey. Image by Gesina from Pixabay

New Year's resolutions have long been a platform for aspirations, where losing weight often takes the spotlight. In Mexico, where over 70% of the adult population carries extra kilos, this yearning for a leaner physique is more than just a passing fancy. It's a pressing concern. Yet, for all its frequency, weight loss frequently emerges as the most abandoned goal on the list. Why is this the case? The answer may lie in a concept many are yet to fully understand: energy balance.

Graciela Caire Juvera, a researcher at the Nutrition Coordination of the Food and Development Research Center (CIAD), argues that a significant reason for this failure is the public's lack of knowledge about nutrition and health. People have a general understanding that eating moderately and exercising helps maintain weight, but many are unaware of what the term 'energy balance' actually entails.