These are the benefits of white wines

White wine is rich in antioxidants, which help us to, for example, increase the level of 'good' cholesterol in the blood, keep our skin and cells young or strengthen our immune system. It is rich in minerals and low in calories.

These are the benefits of white wines
What is the benefit of white wine? Photo by Celina Albertz / Unsplash

White wine has different nutritional properties than red wine but is also very interesting for its consumers. Thus, here are some of the healthy reasons to drink white wine.

Some of the health benefits of white wine

Its antioxidant properties. White wine is rich in antioxidants, which help us, for example, to increase the level of 'good' cholesterol in the blood, keep our skin and cells young or strengthen our immune system.

It is rich in minerals and low in calories. Considering its nutritional content, white wine provides us with minerals such as potassium, fluorine, and phosphorus. In addition, it is one of the alcoholic beverages with the fewest calories.

It helps to reduce stress. White wine is also positive in this area, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It does this mainly by relaxing the muscles and improving the respiratory system.

It prevents cardiovascular diseases. As with red wine, white wine helps prevent this type of disease.

It counteracts sedentary lifestyles. White wine helps us not to notice the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on our bodies. Thus, it is beneficial to maintain strong bones and prevent our muscle mass from decreasing.

The daily recommendation according to the World Health Organization is a maximum of 30 grams for adult men and 20 for women. That is to say. If we continue with the same case taking into account a wine of 13 degrees, it would be a little less than two glasses a day for women and three glasses a day for men. Understanding, of course, that in both cases we are talking about adults.

Young white wines of noble varieties can be served with white fish, seafood, fresh cheeses, salads, and some mousses. Barrel-fermented white wines can be served with cured cheeses, vegetables, smoked meats, white meats, and some rice dishes.

How do you drink white wine chilled or on its own?

We commonly make the mistake of believing that white wines should be served very cold. White wine is served chilled to mitigate excessive acidity, however, heat in white wines reveals all its youth and brutality both in the nose and in the mouth.

Thus, it is advisable to seek the greatest expression of the flavor of white wine through its aroma and acidity without cooling the wine too much. Wineries usually indicate on each wine the ideal temperature at which the white wine should be served. White wine should not be kept in the refrigerator; it is better to store it in a refrigerated cabinet or a dry place.