The Evolution and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Discover the transformative journey of Artificial Intelligence (AI), from its inception in the 1950s to its current applications in medicine, robotics, and more. Embrace the promise of AI while advocating for responsible regulation to shape a bright future.

The Evolution and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
The latest breakthroughs in AI, paving the way for a promising future of innovation. Image by Rafael Javier from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its origins in the 1950s, with exponential growth in recent decades transforming various aspects of our lives. As AI continues to evolve, it promises to revolutionize automation, data analysis, and intelligent decision-making. In a recent roundtable discussion organized by the Faculty of Engineering (FI) at UNAM, experts highlighted the diverse applications of AI, including medicine, the automotive industry, customer service, and data management. This article explores the evolution of AI, its current applications, and the potential impact it may have on various industries.

The Evolution of AI

AI has its roots in the quest to create machines capable of thinking and making decisions like humans. The 1980s witnessed a significant breakthrough with the development of artificial neural networks inspired by the human brain. These networks could learn and recognize complex patterns in vast datasets, laying the groundwork for machine learning as a core discipline within AI.

Deep learning algorithms, a subset of machine learning, played a pivotal role in advancements such as speech recognition, computer vision, and machine translation. The continuous progress in computing power and access to vast information resources have further propelled AI into the forefront of technological innovation.

Applications of AI

AI's impact is evident in various sectors, blurring the lines between science and humanity. The coordinator of the Biorobotics Lab, Jesús Savage Carmona, defines AI as a specialty that aims to replicate human intelligence and problem-solving skills. Applications like ChatGPT offer a glimpse into AI's capabilities, but its true potential lies in reasoning and understanding, which some scientists are actively working to achieve.

Generative AI

Generative AI, a booming field within AI, focuses on image generation, language processing, and more. For example, in academia and industry, generative AI is used to develop programming codes, and it aspires to perform intellectual tasks akin to human intelligence. However, concerns exist regarding the misuse of generative AI for creating false information, highlighting the need for responsible regulation rather than outright prohibition.

AI and Robotics

The integration of AI with robotics has resulted in autonomous mobile robots, reducing the need for human intervention in various tasks. Applications like computer vision extract useful information from the environment for decision-making, while human-robot interaction continues to evolve. As an example, at the FI, autonomous mobile robots are being developed, showcasing the continuous improvements in their capabilities.

AI in Medicine

In the field of medicine, AI is playing a supportive role, helping doctors make diagnoses and better decisions. Systems have been developed to detect COVID-19 infections and pulmonary hypertension, but these AI systems do not replace doctors; instead, they complement their expertise. Ongoing projects, such as diagnostic systems for diseases like diabetic retinopathy, exemplify how AI algorithms can analyze data and identify patterns to aid in early detection and improved patient outcomes.


The journey of AI, from its inception to its current applications, has been one of transformation and innovation. As we embrace the promises of AI in automation, data analysis, and problem-solving, it is essential to acknowledge the responsibility of regulation and ethical use. By striking a balance between leveraging AI's potential and ensuring ethical boundaries, society can unlock its full benefits. As we move into the future, AI will undoubtedly continue to evolve, posing both challenges and opportunities that require collective efforts from academia, industry, and policymakers to shape a business-friendly, AI-driven future.