Are Your Beloved Tortillas Sprayed with Trouble?

Glyphosate & glufosinate infiltrate Mexico's tortilla haven. CIAD's Pesticide Residue Lab uncovers herbicide traces, challenging the tortilla's purity. Conahcyt supports the quest for a herbicide-free masa paradise.

Are Your Beloved Tortillas Sprayed with Trouble?
A lab conducts a culinary investigation, exploring the hidden world of herbicides in Mexico's iconic tortillas. Image by Martin Diaz from Pixabay

In the heartland of tortilla consumption, where every meal seems incomplete without the comforting embrace of a freshly made tortilla, there's a culinary conspiracy afoot. Glyphosate and glufosinate, the dynamic duo of herbicides, have stealthily infiltrated the world of corn production, leaving us wondering if our beloved tortillas are unwittingly harboring more than just masa magic.

Mexico, the land of vibrant traditions and rich culinary heritage, boasts an average per capita consumption of 196.4 kg of corn. A staggering 66.1 kg of that corn metamorphoses into the beloved, pliable discs known as tortillas. But here's the catch – our favorite flatbreads might be carrying an unexpected hitchhiker in the form of glyphosate and its sidekick, glufosinate.