AMLO Touts Education, Revives Trains, and Takes Aim at US

AMLO's Morning Conference showcases Mexico's education strides, financial investments, and political jolts. From teacher praise to textbook triumphs, it includes strikes, electricity battles, and international quibbles.

AMLO Touts Education, Revives Trains, and Takes Aim at US
President AMLO addresses the nation on education triumphs and political challenges at the Morning Conference. Credit: Andrés Manuel López Obrador

President López Obrador held his usual energetic morning conference, and let's just say, it wasn't a snoozefest. From showering teachers with praise to sparring with the Supreme Court, here are the highlights:

Education: AMLO went full-on teacher appreciation day, thanking educators for their “humanistic” approach and touting his administration's investment in free textbooks, scholarships, and school improvements. He even threw shade at the “neoliberal past” that “mangaged” teachers.