What is the best season to travel to Cancun?

Interested in visiting Cancun? Find out when is the cheapest and what is the perfect season to travel to this Mexican Caribbean destination.

What is the best season to travel to Cancun?
Which is the best season to travel to Cancun? Photo by David Vives / Unsplash

When it comes to traveling, we always think of many destinations like Cancun, but there are always a series of questions: When is it cheaper, what is the weather like in a certain season, what is the best season to visit Cancun, when does the high season start and end, what is the best season to visit Cancun, and when does the high season start and end, what is the best season to visit Cancun? Here is some information so that when you go to Cancun your trip will be as pleasant as possible and you will be prepared for any inconvenience.

One of the cheapest months to go to Cancun are September and October, due to the low season. For this reason, the demand for airline tickets and lodging are usually at more accessible and economical prices. If you plan to make a trip during these months, you should keep in mind that it is also hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, so Cancun can be on constant alert for any hydrometeorological phenomenon.

But if the budget is not a problem for you, the ideal time is in November, December, January, March, and April, and of course the summer season in Cancun. In November begins the high season due to the Christmas vacations, also those foreigners who come from very warm places, it is ideal for them because in November, December and January the weather is cool and pleasant for many, the temperature is between 23 and 26 ° C (73 and 79 Fahrenheit), plus this season the rains are minimal.

In December, hotels and tourist attractions have Christmas and New Year's parties in Cancun, then during part of February, March, and April, many foreign students, mainly Americans, travel to Cancun for Spring Break and come to our destination to enjoy the beautiful beaches and warm weather, as well as the city's best nightclubs and nightlife. After these months comes the summer, which is also ideal to travel to Cancun, for the warm weather and party nights in the Caribbean.