Tuxpan's Sargassum Seaweed Situation in Veracruz

Discover how Tuxpan Veracruz seaweed is affecting the beaches and tourism industry. Learn about measures being taken to address the issue and innovative solutions being developed.

Tuxpan's Sargassum Seaweed Situation in Veracruz
Volunteers from the community work together to manually remove sargassum seaweed from Tuxpan's beaches. Credit: Regiduría Cuarta, Tuxpan, Ver.

Tuxpan, a beautiful coastal city in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, is known for its picturesque beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. However, in recent years, Tuxpan's beaches have been plagued by the presence of sargassum seaweed, causing concern among tourists and local authorities alike. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the issue of Tuxpan Veracruz seaweed, its impact on the environment and tourism, and what measures are being taken to address it.

Removing sargassum from Tuxpan beaches

Sargassum was collected from the beach of Tuxpan, to keep it clean during the upcoming long weekend. This operation was carried out by personnel from the City Hall and service providers, due to the large amount of sargassum that had accumulated and the intention is to have it ready for the arrival of visitors.

Sargassum is not an environmental problem in this area, but the beaches should be clean, and bathers are asked to be alert due to the presence of bad water jellyfish, which as is already known, can inject their poisonous stingers that cause inflammation of the skin.

The sargassum was present in the 42 kilometers of the beach due to the passage of the cold front 50, and of which 3 kilometers were cleaned from Barra Norte to San Antonio, but these activities will continue.

This morning in coordination with personnel from Civil Protection, the Coordination of Environment, and residents and palaperos of Playa San Antonio we took on the task of collecting the sargassum that has been arriving to our beaches in order to keep them clean and giving a good image for the upcoming long weekend where many tourists will be visiting us, I appreciate the initiative and support of C. Abel Perez Amador Municipal Agent of this community for the concern and management to work together in this way in favor of our beaches.

What is Sargassum Seaweed?

Sargassum is a type of seaweed that floats on the surface of the ocean and is commonly found in the Sargasso Sea, a region in the North Atlantic Ocean. In recent years, sargassum has been proliferating in many coastal areas around the world, including Tuxpan, due to a combination of factors such as climate change, ocean currents, and nutrient pollution.

Impact on Tuxpan's Beaches

The presence of sargassum seaweed on Tuxpan's beaches can have several negative impacts on the environment, tourism, and local communities. When sargassum decomposes, it releases hydrogen sulfide gas, which has a strong odor and can be harmful to human health. In addition, the accumulation of sargassum can hinder the growth of native plant species, disrupt the habitat of marine animals, and reduce the aesthetic appeal of the beaches, leading to a decline in tourism.

Measures to Address the Issue

To tackle the problem of Tuxpan, Veracruz seaweed, local authorities, and community organizations have implemented various measures aimed at reducing the amount of sargassum on the beaches and mitigating its impacts. One such measure is the manual removal of sargassum from the beaches, which involves using rakes and shovels to collect and transport the seaweed to designated areas for disposal.

In addition, there are ongoing efforts to develop new technologies for sargassum removals, such as drones and underwater robots, which can detect and collect sargassum in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner. Moreover, researchers are studying the potential uses of sargassum seaweed as a source of biofuels, fertilizers, and other valuable products, which could provide economic opportunities for local communities.


The issue of Tuxpan, Veracruz seaweed is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a coordinated effort from all stakeholders, including governments, scientists, businesses, and local communities. While the presence of sargassum on the beaches can pose challenges for tourism and environmental sustainability, there are opportunities for innovation and collaboration that can lead to long-term solutions.