How to Keep Your Cool When the Lights Go Out in Tulum

Tulum faces power cut for grid upgrade, the Navy deploys seaweed barrier, the mayor touts unity as politics heat up. Brace for candlelit games, sargassum moat drama, and turtle-friendly boating.

How to Keep Your Cool When the Lights Go Out in Tulum
Candlelit game night under the stars? Tulum's got you covered, even during a power outage.

Tulum. Land of turquoise waters, Mayan ruins, and…power outages? That's right, get ready for a day of darkness (well, a few hours, anyway) as the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) graces us with their electrifying presence…by cutting off the power supply on Tuesday, January 30th.

Don't fret, it's all in the name of progress, they say. They're just sprucing up their facilities and distribution thingymajigs to bring us better service in the long run. Think of it as a power nap for the power grid, a chance to unplug and reconnect with the simple things in life, like, uh…flashlight tag?

But there's more. As if sargassum season wasn't enough to keep us on our toes, the seaweed monster is making the landfall in Tulum, prompting our friends at the Navy (Semar) to deploy a snazzy 1,480-meter containment barrier in the bays of Chemuyil and Chemuyilito. Now, these aren't your average pool noodles, mind you. These are high-tech, eco-friendly barriers designed to keep the sargassum at bay and protect our precious sea turtles. So, boaters beware: don't get any funny ideas about jumping over the barrier with your little dinghy. You'll be met with a stern talking-to (and possibly a hefty fine) from Semar.

Speaking of stern talking-tos, our very own Mayor Diego Castañón Trejo is calling for political unity in the name of the Fourth Transformation. Apparently, 2024 is a make-or-break year for his grand vision of Tulum, a utopia of well-being, prosperity, and peace. He's on a mission to banish the old guard and their nefarious ways, paving the way for a brighter future for all Tulumeños. Or, at least, that's what the posters say.

There you have it: a whirlwind of power cuts, seaweed shenanigans, and political pronouncements. Just another day in paradise, the Tulum way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a flashlight and a deck of cards. The power outage starts soon, and I wouldn't want to miss all the fun!

P.S. Don't forget to stock up on candles and bottled water. And maybe a good book or two. Just in case.