How We're Disrupting the Water Cycle

Human actions drastically disrupt the natural water cycle. Cities divert water, deforestation causes floods, and contamination makes water unsafe. Climate change adds to the chaos with extreme weather.

How We're Disrupting the Water Cycle
Deforestation and urbanization disrupt the water cycle, leading to polluted runoff and erosion.

Mother Nature's got a pretty slick system going on – the water cycle. You know the drill: evaporation, condensation, precipitation…it's the circle of (water) life! But guess what? We humans are messing with the flow, and let me tell you, things are getting funky.

Dr. Alejandro Jaramillo Moreno from UNAM's Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change lays it out: cities diverting water, deforestation throwing a wrench in the works, and groundwater getting all kinds of contaminated. Yuck!