The Joy of Microgreens and Multi-Stage Extended Harvests

Skip waiting for full-grown veggies! Reseeding leafy greens and herbs lets you harvest super young “microgreens” for tender flavor. Weed naturally (even with vinegar!) to help your plants thrive. Feed them rich compost for tastier results.

The Joy of Microgreens and Multi-Stage Extended Harvests
A gardener carefully pulling weeds by hand from a bed of leafy vegetables.

Salad lovers, herb enthusiasts, listen up! Your garden doesn't have to be all about long-term investments. Think small, think tender, think microgreens. You know that satisfying feeling of planting a seed, seeing it sprout, and patiently waiting for it to fill out? That's awesome, but what if I told you there's a way to get fresh, tasty greens even faster?

Sure, a big head of lettuce or a sprawling parsley plant has its place. But reseeding those leafy salad delights and herbs means you're in for a treat – repeated harvests! Snip off those little leaves when they're just babies, and you'll get tender, mild flavors that make mature leaves taste like cardboard.