The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter This Week 8/2024

This week's Mexicanist dives into Mexico's contrasts! Cancun gets worker-friendly, Los Cabos goes Euro-chic, Vallarta celebrates Pride. We cover Mayan Train updates, drug busts, and Tulum's rising costs. Plus, history echoes in revolutionary corridos, and women scientists making a difference.

The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter This Week 8/2024
Uncover the stories beyond the beaches with this week's Mexicanist newsletter.

Hola, amigos! This week, the Best of Mexicanist takes you on a wild ride. From beach chairs (the comfy kind for workers!) in Cancun to clandestine graves in Los Cabos, Mexico's headlines weave a story of sunshine and shadows. Buckle up because we're also talking smuggling teddy bears, Olympic wrestling in Acapulco, and just how much that flight to Tulum really costs...