The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter 11/2024

This Mexicanist issue dives deep. Uncover the struggles behind paradise in Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos. Explore indigenous rights, environmental challenges and the fight for justice. Fuel your next adventure with island hopping and hidden beaches.

The Best of Mexicanist Newsletter 11/2024
Looking for a healthy and easy way to add flavor to your meals? Roasted peppers are your answer! This issue also tackles weightier topics, from indigenous rights to environmental protection.

From the glamorous to the gritty, the historical to the hysterical, this issue dives into the heart of Mexico, exploring paradise found and paradise in peril. We'll roast peppers, ponder cannibals (don't worry, it's historical!), and reveal the secret weapon of glowing skin (it's not tequila, but close!). So, grab a cerveza (or a smoothie!), and let's explore the beauty and complexity of Mexico, one story at a time.