Tepatitlan de Morelos: A Provincial High-Standing City

This is what to do in Tepatitlán, Jalisco. The best tips to make a visit and the most attractive tourist places in and around Tepatitlán.

Tepatitlan de Morelos: A Provincial High-Standing City
Tepatitlán de Morelos. Image: Tepatitlan

Tepatitlán de Morelos is located in the high plateau called Los Altos de Jalisco, northeast of Guadalajara. The first human settlements recorded in the area were small Otomi groups. In 1531 Don Pedro Almíndez Chirinos, a captain under the command of Nuño de Guzmán arrived in these lands and encountered little resistance on his way to Zacatecas. Despite its accelerated transformation into a medium-sized city, Tepatitlán still offers a provincial lifestyle-not quite like the one idealized by the poet Ramón López Velarde.

Attractions in Tepatitlán

When you visit Tepatitlán, be sure to visit the Temple of San Francisco de Asís, erected as a parish church in the song. Inside are the 4 evangelists sculpted in Carrara marble by the Italian artist Carlos Volpi and the murals of Rosalío González called "The Final Judgment" and "The Fall of Luzbel", works worthy of being appreciated.

Another beautiful sanctuary is the Señor de la Misericordia (Lord of Mercy), where the miraculous image of Christ is venerated, which was found carved in a tree in the middle of the last century in Cerro Gordo. The Casa de la Cultura Dr. J. Jesús González Martín houses the mural "El Hombre y las Bellas Artes" by the Tepatitlense painter J. Guadalupe Ríos Córdova as well as a valuable collection of paintings by various artists from El Alto.

We also suggest you visit the Guadalupe Sanctuary, the Chapel of Our Lady of Refuge, the Temple of San Antonio, the Tepatitlán Cultural Center, the Municipal Palace, and the Hospital of Jesus, all of them of great beauty and interest. On the outskirts of the city, on the detour from the main road, you will find La Red Dam, where you can fish catfish and carp, as well as being an ideal place for picnics.

Around Tepatitlán

A 66 km de Tepatitlán se localiza Arandas, pobla­ción comercial que cuenta entre sus atractivos al Templo de San José Obrero, enorme construcción de estilo neogótico donde se encuentra la campa­na más grande que se haya fundido en México, conocida como "la que nunca tañó'', ya que por su peso no fue posible hacer que doblara y tuvo que ser bajada y colocada en el atrio. Es también famoso su tequila, de excelente calidad. Su feria se celebra del 4 al 20 de enero.

San Miguel el Alto, a town located 72 km from Tepatitlán, is built entirely of pink quarry stone. Proof of this is the Main Square with beautiful arches and the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception, known as ''La Purisima", which dates back to 1700. The enterprising character of the Alteño is reflected in more than one hundred workshops, where yarns and fabrics are made, and the quarry is worked with skill. The most delicious cheeses of the region are produced in the town.

53 km from Tepatitlán is Jalostotitlán, formerly known as "El Corazón de los Altos" (The Heart of the Highlands). Here you can visit the Parish of the Assumption of the XVI century, the Sanctuary of Guadalupe, which houses pictorial works of more than 50 years, and the Temple of the Sacred Heart, with a beautiful facade of the XIX century.

San Juan de los Lagos is the most important religious center of Jalisco. Located 20 km from Tepatitlán, it is a meeting place for endless caravans of pilgrims who visit the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the same name, built in the 18th century. Other beautiful buildings are the Calvario Chapel, from the XVII century; the Municipal Palace, built at the end of the XVIII century and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Its fairs, which date back to the beginning of the colonial era, are equally remarkable and take place on December 8 and February 2.

Lagos de Moreno is 118 km from Tepatitlán, declared a Monument City due to its more than 380 historical and cultural buildings, such as the Church of Santa María de los Lagos, a baroque style construction; the Ex-convent and Temple of Capuchinas, from the XVIII century, located in the Plaza of the same name; the Temple of the Assumption of Mary, in front of the Main Plaza, built in the XVI century; the Parish Temple of neoclassical style, from the XVIII century and the Temple of La Merced.

Fairs and festivals of Tepatitlán

The most representative festivity of the place is the one celebrated in honor of the Lord of Mercy. The festivities begin with a procession and end on April 30, with a parade of allegorical floats. It has been called Feriabril and it combines acts of spiritual recollection with diverse civil activities, such as the Livestock Exposition and the Miss Tepabril Contest, as well as a popular fair, regional dances, bullfights, horse races, charreadas, and mariachi.

Gastronomy of Tepatitlán

When it comes to food, in Tepatitlán we recommend you enjoy the delicious carnitas, lamb and goat birria, and marinated pork, which you can accompany with tasty pulque or a traditional tequila. Its milk and coconut sweets and almond nougat are also a delight not to be missed.

Handicrafts of Tepatitlán

The skillful hands of the artisans, who combine materials with creativity, produce beautiful textile pieces, quilts, and cross-stitch sets that are in great demand among connoisseurs.

Services in Tepatitlán

Tepatitlán has budget hotels, banks, gas stations, restaurants, and everything that contributes to making your stay pleasant.