Penalties for Non-Compliance with Carriage Letter Complement

Non-compliance with the Carriage Letter complement to the Internet Digital Tax Receipt (CFDI) in Mexico can lead to fines of up to 112,000 pesos and even 6 years in prison. Time to get those documents in order and avoid the wrath of the tax authorities.

Penalties for Non-Compliance with Carriage Letter Complement
Cargo transportation permit holders in Mexico need to pay attention to compliance with CFDI to avoid hefty fines and penalties. Image by Ely Penner from Pixabay

Listen up, folks! If you're involved in the world of cargo transportation in Mexico, you better pay attention to this one. Failure to comply with the Carriage Letter complement to the Internet Digital Tax Receipt (CFDI) could leave you in a world of trouble. We're talking fines that'll make your wallet weep and the possibility of spending six years behind bars. Yikes!

Let's break it down for you. The fines for non-compliance start at a rather modest 880 pesos. However, depending on the level of your non-compliance, those fines can skyrocket to over 100,000 pesos. Ouch! So, it's not something you want to take lightly.