Mexico's LXV Legislature Makes History with Bold Reforms

Mexico's history-making legislature, the LXV, championed LGBTQ+ rights, challenged inequality and championed children's well-being. Landmark reforms like the Pension Fund and anti-bullying laws pave the way for a fairer future.

Mexico's LXV Legislature Makes History with Bold Reforms
A symbolic image of scales of justice with a focus in the evening light shining on one side.

Mexico stands on the precipice. The colossal 2024 elections loom, poised to be the largest the nation has ever witnessed. As the country holds its breath, the LXV Legislature, the current session of the Chamber of Deputies, reaches its natural conclusion. But this isn't simply an ending; it's a farewell, a final flourish on a term that leaves an undeniable mark on Mexican history.

The LXV wasn't your average legislature, content to coast on the fumes of past accomplishments. It understood the weight of the moment. It saw the yearnings of a society yearning for a fairer, more equitable Mexico, and it responded with the gusto of a conductor leading a grand program of reform.