AMLO on U.S. Relations and Military Collaboration

President AMLO updates on health reforms, citing 18.9 billion pesos investment in IMSS Bienestar. Focus on filling ISSSTE vacancies and collaboration with the U.S. military. Emphasizes root causes in migration, critiques the judiciary, and celebrates Nuevo León stability.

AMLO on U.S. Relations and Military Collaboration
Addressing bilateral relations, AMLO clarifies U.S. military collaboration.

In a recent Morning Conference from the National Palace, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) provided a comprehensive update on the transformative initiatives and diplomatic efforts being undertaken by his administration. The key highlights of the conference include significant progress in healthcare, diplomatic relations with the United States, addressing migration issues, judicial reforms, and updates on regional developments.

Advancements in Healthcare

The director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, reported remarkable strides in the IMSS Bienestar Health Plan. The Federal Government's investment of 18,914 million pesos has led to substantial improvements, including the hiring of 8,300 doctors and specialists. Notable increases in specialty consultations, family medicine consultations, surgeries, and attended births were reported across 23 states.