Mexico Steals the Hearts of Spanish Volleyball Legends

Spanish beach volleyball legends Herrera and Gavira love Mexico's electric tournaments. They praise amazing organization and passionate crowds. After 16 years together, they chase Olympic glory in Paris. (Herrera's record 6th!)

Mexico Steals the Hearts of Spanish Volleyball Legends
Spanish veterans Herrera and Gavira light up the Mexican crowd with their skills. Credit: CONADE

One of the most important duos in the best beach volleyball in the world is the Spanish duo of Pablo Herrera Allepuz and Adrian Gavira Collado, who have 16 years playing together, several medals at continental level and multiple participations in Olympic Games; an enviable trajectory of a team that has graced our country in up to five competitions.

Herrera, runner-up in Athens 2004, and Gavira, European champion in 2013, have offered spectacle in Mexican lands in the Pre-Olympic Cancun 2021, the Challenge Tlaxcala 2022, the Challenge La Paz 2023 (where they were crowned champions), the World Championship Tlaxcala 2023 and the Challenge Guadalajara 2024; in addition, they will play their sixth tournament in our country this week in the Elite 16 Tepic.