Mexico's 2024 Elections and the Path to Citizen Democracy

Democracy's having a bad hair day. 🤔 Mexico's election could be a turning point (and maybe get a woman in charge!). Experts spill the beans.

Mexico's 2024 Elections and the Path to Citizen Democracy
Citizens gather in the streets, embodying the spirit of participatory democracy.

Let's face it, when's the last time democracy wasn't in 'crisis'? It's the political world's favorite buzzword, like a perpetually malfunctioning smoke alarm that nobody seems willing to actually fix. Mexico's no exception, and with 2024's elections on the horizon, the country's holding its collective breath – it's the democratic equivalent of that pivotal moment in a tango where you just know somebody's about to pull out a dramatic dip.

Miguel Armando López Leyva, the UNAM Humanities coordinator, puts it rather poetically: “Until a few years ago the issue of democracy seemed overcome; However, it seems to always be in crisis.” There's truth there; democracy can feel like that friend that always has messy relationship drama, doesn't it?