Mexican Archer Eyes Pan Am Glory, Olympic Ticket

Teen archery prodigy Matías Grande Kalionchiz leads Mexico's charge for a team Olympic spot at the Pan American Championship. Grueling training and teamwork are key as they battle nerves and competition to secure their ticket to Paris 2024.

Mexican Archer Eyes Pan Am Glory, Olympic Ticket
Matías Grande Kalionchiz, Mexico's rising archery star, takes aim at his Olympic dreams. Credit: CONADE

After an outstanding competitive year in 2023, archer Matías Damián Grande Kalionchiz has his sights set on his next big goal: the Pan American Championships to be held from April 10 to 14 in Medellín, Colombia, where tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be up for grabs.

Together with Carlos Javier Rojas Lopez and Bruno Martinez Wing, the triple medalist in the Pan American Games Santiago 2023 will compete for the team place, since Mexico only has one individual medal in this branch, achieved by Grande Kalionchiz himself in Chilean territory.