Mayan Train Delayed, but Still on Track for Tulum Adventure

Exciting times in Tulum! A 19m observation tower, major road upgrades, and a revamped Mayan Train are on the horizon. Plus, Tulum secures land for affordable housing and celebrates local, sustainable cuisine.

Mayan Train Delayed, but Still on Track for Tulum Adventure
Get ready to reach new heights in Tulum with the stunning 19m observation tower at Jaguar National Park. Image by DEZALB from Pixabay

In a visit to the municipality of Tulum, Román Meyer Falcón, the head honcho at Sedatu, sprang some news that's got the whole town buzzing with excitement. Brace yourselves, Tulum enthusiasts, for a series of incredible developments is coming your way.

An observation tower that soars 19 meters high, offering a vista that's more jaw-dropping than that mesmerizing cenote you couldn't stop Instagramming. This observation tower, soon to grace the southern access of Jaguar National Park, is about to become the hottest attraction in town. It will shower you with panoramic views of the mystical Tulum archaeological zone, the pristine beauty of the park's coastline, and even a bird's-eye view of the city of Tulum. Not to forget, the central access will house the brand-spanking-new Museum of Mayan Culture, and the northern gateway will lead you straight to the Mayan Train station. That's right, it's an all-access pass to Tulum's treasures.