AMLO Backs Martí Batres as Potential Replacement for Mexico City Mayor

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AMLO Backs Martí Batres as Potential Replacement for Mexico City Mayor
AMLO addresses the media, discussing a range of topics including US politics, energy purchase, social media, and more.

In a lively morning conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), several intriguing topics were discussed, including the support for Martí Batres as a potential replacement for the mayor of Mexico City. AMLO expressed his confidence in Batres, describing him as an experienced and honest person who shares his ideals and values.

"This is not a decision to be taken lightly. The City has its fair share of challenges, and we need someone well aware of them," AMLO emphasized. He emphasized the importance of having a leader who is dedicated to serving the people of Mexico City.