These are the jobs of the future in Mexico, according to LinkedIn

If you're looking to change jobs or are about to decide what you're going to study, perhaps seeing the jobs of the future trend in the job market will help you make the best choice.

These are the jobs of the future in Mexico, according to LinkedIn
Jobs of the future. Stock photo

If you're looking to change jobs or are about to decide what you're going to study, perhaps seeing the trend of the jobs of the future in the job market will help you make the best choice. The professional social network LinkedIn identified the jobs of the future and professional profiles that have emerged in Mexico in the last five years that could break into the labor market, as well as the specific skills that they require, mostly technological. In the annual Emerging Jobs study on the emerging professions that are breaking into the market, the global company highlighted the 15 professions that have emerged over the last few years, as well as the specific skills they require.

The 15 professions are:

1. Agile Coach

Skills: When in charge of accelerating the pace of the company, you must know the Agile and Kanban Methodologies, Scrum model, change management, business strategies, and negotiation.

2. Customer Success Specialist

Skills: Negotiation, business strategy, team leadership, customer relationship management (CRM), and customer service.

3. Cybersecurity Specialist

Skills: Cybersecurity, information security, certification in "Penetrating Testing", ethical hacking, and ISO 27001.

4. DevOps Engineer

Skills: handling of tools such as Docker, Jenkins, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Ansible

5. Javascript Developer

Skills: React.js, Node.js, AngularJS, MongoDB and JavaScript.

6. Data Scientist

Skills: R and Python languages, data science, machine learning, and data mining.

7. Commercial Sales Manager

Skills: Negotiation, sales management, entrepreneurship, sales, and team leadership

8. Salesforce Developer

Skills: Apex, Salesforce, Visualforce, and JavaScript.

9. Cloud Engineer

Skills: Amazon Web Services (AWS), cloud computing, Docker, OpenStack, and Linux.

10. Full Stack Engineer

Skills: Node.js, AngularJS, JavaScript, React.js, and MongoDB.

11. Data Engineer

Skills: Python, Apache Spark, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Big Data, and Scala.

12. Commercial Sales Representative

Skills: Negotiation, sales management, strategic planning, customer service, team leadership

13. Business Development Representative

Skills: Negotiation, sales, entrepreneurship, team leadership, and strategic planning.

14. Occupational Health Physician

Skills: Occupational health, medicine, health care, clinical research, and entrepreneurship

15. Product Leader (Product Owner)

Skills: Scrum methodology, agile methodologies, business analysis, team leadership, and JIRA.

LinkedIn noted that the study was developed through data from more than 13 million members registered on the platform in Mexico, Miami that highlights the burst of technology specialists, Salesforce developers, and experts in commercial sales and business.

On the one hand, there are digital profiles with high technical and scientific specialization, such as those related to the cloud or cybersecurity. And, on the other hand, other professionals demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of certain digital tools and platforms and, at the same time, put them at the service of companies, helping them to design their growth strategy, develop their business and promote their sales.