Russia's October Revolution Calendar Flip of 1918

The October Revolution was more than a political coup; it was a time warp, with Russia trading calendars to modernize. The Bolsheviks were pragmatists, swinging between capitalism and socialism. A cinematic spectacle and a myth, it's still debated a century later.

Russia's October Revolution Calendar Flip of 1918
The Assault on the Winter Palace, the October Revolution's iconic moment. Credit: Wikipedia

In the history, where revolutions ignite and empires crumble, there's often more to the tale than meets the eye. Dive with us into the corridors of time as we unravel the peculiar case of the October Revolution – not just a revolution, but a time warp that shook Russia to its core.

Now, hold on to your Bolshevik hats because here's the twist: it all began not with a bang, but with a calendar flip. You see, before we get all giddy about October, we need to rewind to February 1918. That's when Russia decided to say “da svidaniya” to the old Julian calendar, lovingly adopted by Peter the Great back in 1700, and said “privet” to the Gregorian calendar. Yes, Russia switched calendars like some people switch Instagram filters.