How Mazatlan's Pulmonías Became Social Media Stars

Forget taxis! In Mazatlán, pop culture heroes power your ride. Neon-lit superheroes and cartoon icons deck out “pulmonía” golf carts, transforming public transportation into a geek-tastic Instagram wonderland. Drivers up their game, sprucing up vehicles for a vibrant, fun experience.

How Mazatlan's Pulmonías Became Social Media Stars
A brightly lit pulmonía adorned with a glowing Spider-Man silhouette zips along the Mazatlán Malecón. Credit: ¿Qué pasó Mazatlán?

Forget your Uber, ditch the donkey rides, and prepare to experience Mazatlán in all its neon-powered, pop-culture-infused glory. No, this isn't a fever dream fueled by tequila shots and mariscos — it's the rise of the pulmonía, Mazatlán's iconic public transportation, reborn as a rolling kaleidoscope of superheroes, cartoon characters, and all things geek-tastic.

For decades, these open-air golf carts have been the workhorses of Mazatlán, shuttling locals and tourists alike along the sun-drenched Malecón boardwalk. But lately, they've undergone a metamorphosis, shedding their utilitarian skin to become rolling shrines to pop culture.