How Golf Helps Saul Alvarez Strengthen His Patience and Mentality

Discover the surprising connection between boxing champion Canelo Alvarez and the tranquil world of golf. Uncover how this unexpected pairing fuels his focus, mental strength, and personal growth.

How Golf Helps Saul Alvarez Strengthen His Patience and Mentality
A group of bricklayers in Jalisco wanted to take a picture with Saul "El Canelo" Alvarez when he was playing golf, the boxer noticed and agreed to take a picture with everyone. Credit: Tabasco al Minuto

In the world of sports, athletes often seek unconventional methods to enhance their skills and find inner tranquility. For Saúl "Canelo" Alvarez, the Mexican boxing sensation from Jalisco, that journey led him to the serene world of golf. Yes, you read that right. Canelo, the fierce warrior of the ring, has discovered solace and mental fortitude on the sprawling greens of the golf course.

Now, you might be wondering, how did Canelo, a man known for his lightning-fast punches and relentless aggression, find himself attracted to a sport typically associated with "grown-up" individuals? Well, it turns out that life has a funny way of surprising us.