Estafeta Carga Aérea Takes Flight with a Cargo Split

Estafeta Carga Aérea is bidding adios to Mexico City's airport and splitting its air cargo operations between two other airports. Meanwhile, Goodyear faces labor complaints and Pemex battles production setbacks. Stay tuned for more business news!

Estafeta Carga Aérea Takes Flight with a Cargo Split
Estafeta Carga Aérea announces its departure from Mexico City's airport, opting for a new chapter at different air terminals. Credit: Wikipedia

In a surprising turn of events, Estafeta Carga Aérea, the air cargo subsidiary of Estafeta, is packing its bags and moving out of Mexico City! The company has decided to split its air cargo operations between two airports, namely the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) and the Hermanos Serdán International Airport in Puebla. The decision comes as a result of a federal government decree, which prompted Estafeta to bid adios to the bustling Mexico City terminal (AICM). Ingo Babrikowski, the CEO of Estafeta, shared that they will officially commence operations at the new air terminals on August 14. Talk about soaring to new heights!

In labor news, the Liga Sindical Obrero Mexicana has served up a series of demands to Goodyear. The labor complaint against the company has led the League to present a set of remediation measures that they want Goodyear to comply with. One of the intriguing requests from the League is that each worker should be immediately provided with a copy of the contract law, complete with the latest version published on Thursday, April 9, 2015, in the Official Gazette of the Federation. Who knew that contract law could be such an essential ingredient in labor disputes? Let's see if Goodyear can deliver!