ELAM FAW to Produce 25,000 Electric Cabs for Urban Mobility in Mexico

ELAM FAW has the objective of manufacturing electric taxis in Mexico to improve urban mobility. Get to know more.

ELAM FAW to Produce 25,000 Electric Cabs for Urban Mobility in Mexico
In Mexico, the electric taxi is the future. Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Truck manufacturer ELAM FAW plans to bet this year on electric mobility. It is working on a project to manufacture 25,000 electric taxis in Mexico in two years. Ernesto del Blanco, president of the Board of Ensambladora Latinoamericana de Motores (ELAM), explained that the new vehicles are designed for urban mobility in major cities. They will have a speed of 80 to 85 kilometers per hour.

The company is also working on an agreement with a mobility application that will be in charge of evaluating people who want to drive one of these vehicles on all government levels. This is to ensure that they do not have any criminal, legal, or banking records.